MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) Programming and Data structure with "C"

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018)   Programming and Data structure with "C" 
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) Programming and Data structure with "C"
Time: 4 hours
Full Marks: 80

Candidates are required to give their answers in
their own words as far as practicable.

The questions are of equal value.

Answer any five questions.

1. (a)  What do you mean by flow-chart and algorithm?
What are the different types of flow chart?

(b) Write an algorithm  and draw a flow chart to    
find the sum of square of odd numbers from 
1to 100.

2. (a) What are C-keywords? Elaborate them.                
(b) Explain different types of operators available  
in C.                            

3. Explain the need of control structure in C.                
What are the difference between break and continue

4. (a) What is an array of pointer? How is its decleared?
(b) Write a program to display sum of square and 
cubes of an array elements using pointer.

5. What is union in C? How is data stored using union?  
What are the differences between union and structure.

6. What are structure and union in C? Explain the         
differences between structure and union.      

7. What do you mean by data-structure? How 
data structure can be classified? What are 
the different operations performed an 

8. What do you mean by stack? List the operations that     
can be performed on a stack. What are the various  
applications of a stack structure.

9. What is queue? What are the advantages of a circular   
queue? Define the terms overflow and underflow in 
context of a queue.

10. Write short notes on any four of the following:            
(a) Data types                                                       
(b) Logical and Bitwise operator                        
(c) Operations on pointer.                                   
(d) Trees and their application.                           
(e) Linked list                                                     



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