MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Analysis , Design and implementation

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Analysis , Design and implementation

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2009-2012) INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Analysis , Design and implementation

                                                              Full Marks: 80
                                                              Time: 4 Hours

                                              The questions are of equal value
                                    Answer five questions including Question 1
                                                   Which is compulsory

1. Choose the appropriate answers:
  (a) The primary tool used in structured design is a
      (i) data flow diagram
      (ii) module
      (iii) structure chart
      (iv) program flowchart

(b) Coding and testing are done in a/ an
   (i) ad hoc manner
   (ii) module manner
   (iii) structure chart manner
   (iv) program flowchart manner

(c) At the highest level, a DFD  is referred to as
    (i) level 2 DFD
    (ii) level 1 DFD
    (iii) context diagram
    (iv) scope diagram

(d) In data flow diagrams, an originator or receiver of data is usually designated by
   (i) a square box
   (ii) a circle
   (iii) a rectangle
   (iv) an arrow

(e) which of the following does not occur in phase 4 of the SDLC?
    (i) Acquire hardware and software
    (ii) Train users
    (iii) Conduct interview
    (iv) Test the new system

(f) Which of the following might be output as a result of using a CASE tool?
   (i) Prototypes
   (ii) Cost benefit analysis
   (iii) Programming cycle
   (iv) All of the above

(g) The CASE tools are used for
     (i) supporting the modeling techniques used in structured system analysis
     (ii) supporting the system for system requirement analysis
     (iii) defining input and output design
     (iv) None of the above

(h) Managers who are potential users of the MIS
    (i) describe information needs
    (ii) identify alternate equipment configurations
    (iii) evaluate alternate equipment configurations
    (iv) select the optimum equipment configuration

(i) UML is used for
   (i) object-oriented module development
   (ii) coding of system
   (iii) testing of system
   (iv) None of the above

(j) During the system study, flowcharts are drawn using
   (i) non-standard symbols
   (ii) general symbols
   (iii) abbreviated symbols
   (iv) specific symbols

2. Why is documentation important to the information system life cycle?

3. Distinguish among the technical, operational and economical feasibility with suitable example.

4. What techniques could be used during the system developments  life cycle to ensure that the developed system meets its objective?

5. What is meant by data flow diagram? What is the difference between the data flow diagram and flowchart? Draw data flow diagram for hospital information system.

6. Explain the difference between a structured interview and an instructured interview.When is each type interview appropriately used?

7. What are important special considerations for user interface design? Explain.

8. A magazine is published monthly and is sent by post to its subscribers. Two months before the expiry of subscription, a remainder is sent to the subscribers. if subscription is not received within a month, another remainder is sent. If renewal subscription is  not received up to two weeks before the expiry  of the subscription, the subscriber's name is informed. Obtain a physical and logical DFD for this problem.

9. Describe CASE tool. How do CASE tools assist a design methodology? Explain with the suitable example. What is the purpose of upper case tool and lower case tool?

10. What is object-oriented analysis? How is it similar to and different from, modern structured analysis and information engineering?

11. Differentiate between ISO and CMM. Explain all levels of capability maturity models.

12. Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Various types of testing
(b) Project scheduling and its role in development of software system
(c) Distinction between COCOMO model and spiral model
(d) Distinction between Dynamic modelling and Functional modelling

13. What is software reliability? Define three metrices to measure software reliability. Do these metrics provide an entirely satisfactory measure of the reliability of a system? Explain the reliability growth modeling.


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