MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2005-2008) INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Analysis, Design and implementation
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2005-2008) INFORMATION SYSTEMS: Analysis, Design and implementation
Full Marks: 80
Time: 4 hours
The questions are of equal value
Answer any five questions.
In which question No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Fill in the blanks:-
(a). ............................... is the name to given to the removal of residual errors in software systems.
(b). The system testing is carried out on the basis of specific sample data contained in a file called the ...................
(c). The time duration in which a software project recovers its development cost is known as the ...................
(d). The software matrices used for expressing the size of a software project is measured in ...............
(e). The two main testing methods are ............ and ...............
(f). The COCOMO model is used in the ............. phase for ..............
(g). The capability maturity model is primarily used for ensuring and evaluating.................
(h). A popular tool for carrying out the process modeling is the ...................
(i). Project scheduling and Review is carried out by............ tools.
(j). Software documentation at the implementation phase consist of .......... and .........
2). Describe the different phases in the system development life cycle with a clear flow-chart. Also mention explicitly the report s/ outputs generated at each phase.
3). How can we view the systems analyst as an agent of change? What are the technical and human skills that the analyst must have in order to design effective and accurate systems.
4). What do you mean by the SRS? Indicate the steps and tools needed for expressing the SRS in a fine and accurate form. What is the use of a well designed SRS?
5). What is the need for carrying out a feasibility study? Discuss the technical, social and aspects of the feasibility study with special emphasis of the cost- Benefit Analysis.
6). Write short notes on any three:-
a. Input forms Design
b. Output Design
c. Dialogue Design
d. Code Design
7). Discuss the difference between functional. Design of software
8). How will you ensure the measurement of software quality? What are the criteria for the design of a good code in a programming language?
9). Write short notes on any three:-
a. Grant charts
b. Activity charts
c. Systems flowchart
d. E R diagram
10). What are the advantages of using a database approach in systems design? What are the functions of a database Administrator?
Note:- Q. 7. is not full.
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