
Showing posts from July, 2018

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-III, Paper-XXI (Operating Systems)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-III, Paper-XXI (Operating Systems)                                                                                2016                                                                        Full marks: 80                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                        Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Define Operating systems? What are its functions ? Explain different types of operating systems with examples. 2. Explain the Non-continuous (Indexing and checking) disk space management methods. Explain with an example the difference between Acyclic - graphic directory and General-graph directory. 3. Explain how memory management is done in window 2000 OS. Discuss file management in UNIX OS in comparison with WINDOWS OS file management. 4. Explain the concept of virtual memory. Discuss any two page replacement policies of virtual me

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)                                                                                2016                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                                                        Full marks: 80                                             Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. (i) Classify each of the following relationship as either a class, an instance of a class, inheritance relationship , an aggregation relationship, association relationship.     (a) Person-student           (b) Car-Driver            (c) Class- Student     (d) Computer- Keyboard        (e) Vehicle    (ii) Draw a state diagram of a process ( a state program in the running state). 2. A computer science department wants to schedule meetings. There may be different kinds of meetings as school Board Meeting, faculty mee

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2017) (Third semester) Environment Management

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2017) (Third semester) Environment Management                                                                              2014-2017                                                                           Full Marks: 80                                                                            Time: 4 hours                                                                  Answer any five questions 1. Explain the factors which effects the environment. 2. What do you mean by pollution? Explain its various types. 3. Explain the ways by which air pollution can be controlled. 4. What are the factors that influence the computer environment management? Explain clearly. 5. Explain the central theme of Environmental management. 6. What is atmosphere? Explain importance and layers of the atmosphere. 7. Discuss about the composition , properties and use of air. 8. What is ecology? Explain the major environmental problems. 9. What

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2013-2016) (Third semester) JAVA

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2013-2016) (Third semester)  JAVA                                                                                2013-2016                                                                            Time: 4 hours                                                                           Full Marks: 80                                                                 Answer any five questions. 1. What is java? Discuss the features of java? Explain why java is platform independent? Also explain advantages of platform independence. 2. Define constructor . What are the characteristics of constraints? How are copy constructor and default constructor used in java? Explain with example. 3. What is class? How to define a class and its object explain? Discuss function overloading and overriding? 4. What is a vector? How is it different from an array? 5. What are the abstract classes in java and how it is different from the inheritance? 6. What

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2017) (Third semester) Computer Communication Networks

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2014-2017) (Third semester) Computer Communication Networks                                                                               2014-2017                                                                             Full Marks: 80                                                                              Time: 4 hours                                                                 Answer any five questions. 1. What is Computer network? What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer network? Explain. 2. Describe about analog and digital signal. Explain about the some of the factors that determine whether a communication system is a LAN, MAN or WAN. 3. What do you mean by transmission mode? Explain the two modes for transmitting binary data across a link. Compare the two methods of serial transmission with advantages and disadvantages. 4. Discuss OSI model. Describe about the different layers of OSI model. 5. What is b

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2013-2016, (Third semester) Environmental Management

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2013-2016, (Third semester) Environmental Management                                                                            2013-2016                                                                          Time: 4 hours                                                                           Full marks: 80                                                                Answer any five questions. 1. What are the elements of environment? Explain the factors which effects the environment. 2. What do you mean by Environment Management? Explain its importance. 3. Discuss about the composition and structure of atmosphere. 4. Differentiate between pollution and pollutants. what are the various types of pollution. 5. Explain the nature and sources of air pollution. 6. Explain various effects of pollutants on climate changes. 7. What is green house effect? What are the threads arising due to Global warming. 8. Explain the nature and

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2014-2017 (Third semester) Database Management systems

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2014-2017 (Third semester) Database Management systems                                                                              2014-2017                                                                           Time: 4 hours                                                                         Full Marks: 80                                                                Answer any five questions. 1. What do you understand by architecture in DBMS? Explain the tree levels of architecture. 2. Define the term data-independence? What is the difference between logical data independence and physical data independence? Which one is hardes to achieve? Why? 3. What is relational algebra and what are its uses? Which are the relational algebraic operations developed specifically for relational database? 4. What are the different database models and what are their advantages and disadvantages. 5. What is SQL ? What are Data control language

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011-2014 (Third-Semester) Database Management systems

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011-2014 (Third-Semester) Database Management systems                                                                              2011-2014                                                                          Time: 4 hours                                                                         Full marks: 80                                                               Answer any five questions. 1. Describe the features of DBMS. What are the basis difference between RDBMS and DBMS? 2. Describe the three level of Schema/ architecture of DBMS in detail. Write the name of any five DBMS. 3. What do you mean by Data Independence? Explain it in detail with mapping between different levels? 4. Draw an ER diagram for university registration office where various students get admission in various courses. Several teachers are admission in various courses. Several teachers are inactive in teaching the students in various class rooms. 5. In

M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012-2015, (Third-semester) Database Management Systems

M.C.A  MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012-2015, (Third-semester) Database Management Systems                                                                          2012-2015                                                                        Time: 4 hours                                                                        Full Marks: 80                                                            Answer any five questions. 1. Describe the architecture of database management system with the help of diagram. 2. What do you mean by data independence? Explain the difference between physical and logical independence? 3. Give an overview of SQL  with the help of examples. What are the advantages of SQL in database programming. 4. Draw ER diagram for a college having the entire faculty: students, department and classroom assume suitable attributes of entities and relation among them. 5. Discuss two of the important types of mapping constraints with repeat to an E-R diagr

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXV (Computer Graphics and Multimedia)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXV (Computer Graphics and Multimedia)                                                                               2016                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                                                       Full Marks: 80                                         Answer any five questions.All questions carry equal marks. 1. Explain how frame buffer is used to store picture information. Explain the need of Homogeneous coordinate system in 2D transformation. 2. What are touch panels? List different touch panels that are currently available for use. 3. Explain DDA line drawing algorithm. What are the disadvantages of this algorithm? 4. Differentiate the following:-     (i) Bitmap vs Vector graphics     (ii) JPEG vs GIF     (iii) Hypertext vs Hypermedia 5. Derive an expression for phong specular Reflection model. Explain Isometric projectio

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XIX (Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XIX (Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming)                                                                                 2016                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                                                      Full Marks: 80                                         Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Discuss the important features of Java. Bring out the difference between the string and stringbuffer classes in java. 2. Explain the concept of inheritance. Give a suitable example by declaring a class and showing two levels of inherited classes with the methods of each. 3. There are some classes that reside in a public package called mypackage. Give  three ways in which these can be accessed int the default unnamed package. If one of the classes in mypackage has the same name as a class in the d

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A (Part-II), Paper-XVIII (Database Management Systems)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A (Part-II), Paper-XVIII (Database Management Systems)                                                                              2016                                                                      Time: 3 hours                                                                      Full Marks: 80                                        Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. List the data models, used to structure the data in Database systems. 2. Compare the following:-     (i)  File-based system and DBMS     (ii) Logical and Physical levels of DBMS     (iii) GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause in SQL. 3. Discuss the different process of authorisation permitted on database items with the help of examples? Define super key, Alternate Key and primary key. 4. Define foreign key. Explain its significance. Using operators of relational algebra / SQL , Perform Queries for the relations given below:-    

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXIX (Application Development with .Net Framework)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXIX (Application Development with .Net Framework)                                                                                2016                                                                     Time: 3 hours                                                                      Full Marks: 80                                        Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Define .NET framework? Explain CTS (common system Type) of .NET framework in detail. 2. Explain Common Language Runtime features. Why are they used? 3. Describe the guidelines for project deployment. Explain how windows-client applications are deployed. 4. Explain the different stages in web form processing. What is page life cycle? 5. Explain following terms:-     (a) ADO objects     (b) ADO Data Control     (c) SQL 6. Explain ASP. NET Configuration concept in detail. How they are helpful in application d

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XVII (Operating system concepts and Networking Management)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XVII (Operating system concepts and Networking Management)                                                                                 2016                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                                                        Full Marks: 80                                          Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What are the two modes in which windows 2000 system works? Explain its architecture with the help of a diagram. 2. What is the default networking protocol in windows 2000? What are its features? What are the different states of a process in Linux? 3. What is Protocol? How does a Token Bus Network work? In what ways in its working different from token ring? 4. Explain the process used by Kerberos to authenticate network clients logging onto a windows 2000 domain. 5. (a) Write the linux / unix com

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, Master of Computer Application (MCA), Part-II, Paper-XVI (Data and Files Structures)

NALANDA  OPEN  UNIVERSITY QUESTION,  2016,  Master of Computer Application (MCA), Part-II, Paper-XVI  (Data and Files Structures)                                                                                2016                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                                                        Full marks: 80                                          Answer any five questions.All questions carry equal marks.                                         1. Design algorithms for various operations performed on circularly linked list. 2. Explain the depth first search algorithm with example. 3. Write a procedure to find minimum cost spanning tree for a graph using Prim's algorithm. 4. Explain the process of creating a Splay Tree using an example. Explain the operations of Red-Black trees. 5. Write an algorithm for implementing insertion and deletion operations in a singly linked list using arrays.

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XIII (Software Engineering)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XIII (Software Engineering)                                                                                2016                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                                                       Full marks: 80                                           Answer any five questions . All questions carry equal marks. 1. Explain various approaches for the Formal Technical Review. Also, mention the expected results from the respective approaches. 2. Explain the following with an example:-     (i) Work Break through structure     (ii) Flow Graph 3. Explain any two techniques of software prototype development. Compare prototype model with spiral model. Also mention the pros and cons of prototyping. 4.  With the help of a neat diagram, explain cleanroom software engineering. Define CASE tools . Explain any two categories of CASE tools. 5. What

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-I, Paper-X (Principles of Management and Information system)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-I, Paper-X (Principles of Management  and Information system)                                                                                 2016                                                                      Time: 3 hours                                                                       Full Marks: 80                                         Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Briefly describe the procedures preferred by managers to evaluate the investments. Give the formula that establishes the relation between the procedures? 2. What is an organizational structure? explain the basic principles used for designing an organizational structure. 3. List and explain all acceptable stages of the organization life cycle, accompanied with their respective characteristics and the desired action to be performed for the sustained good health of the organization. 4. What are business ethics?

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-I, Paper-IX (Data Communication and Computer Networks)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A, Part-I, Paper-IX (Data Communication and Computer Networks)                                                                             2016                                                                     Time: 3 hours                                                                     Full marks: 80                                       Answer any five questions.All questions carry equal marks. 1. Differentiate between 'Client/Server' and 'Peer to Peer' architecture. Draw the diagrams for both the architectures. 2. What is the purpose of PCM? Explain the different components of PCM encoder. How are quantization levels chosen in PCM? 3. Describe the protocols of Data Link Layer. Data link protocol almost puts CRC in trailer rather than in a header. Why? 4. Explain token bucket algorithm and compare its perfomance against the leaky bucket algorithm. Describe the layer of OSI model which is responsib

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IV , (System Analysis and Design)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IV , (System Analysis and Design)                                                                                 2016                                                                            Time: 3 hours                                                                            Full Marks: 80                                         Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What is and Information System ? Explain classification of systems in brief. Also Explain the need of SDLC for proper development of a system. 2. What is SRS ? Briefly explain any four characteristics of SRS. Develop an SRS for Library Management System. Make appropriate assumptions. 3. What is coupling ? Explain advantages and disadvantages of a highly couples system. Explain basic guidelines for user interface design. 4. What is the need of documentation in System Development? Explain, in brief, any two categories

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-I, (Problem Solving and Programming)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2016, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-I, (Problem Solving and Programming)                                                                                2016                                                                       Time: 3 hours                                                                       Full Marks: 80                                       Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What are the rules for naming variables in C ? Design an algorithm and draw a corresponding flowchart and write a C program to divide two numbers. 2. Explain the concept of storage class in C. Draw a flowchart and write a program to calculate the first smallest divisor of a number using break statement. 3. Explain different types of decision making statements in C with examples? Write a program in C to swap the values of two variables using pointers concept. 4. What is call by value? Give examples. Write a program that initi

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XIX (Object Oriented Technologies and Java programming)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XIX (Object Oriented Technologies and Java programming)                                                                                2012                                                                         Time: 3 hours                                                                          Full marks: 80                                         Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What is an object oriented Paradigm? Explain two differences between the object oriented paradigm of programming languages and the structured paradigm of programming languages. 2. What is message passing? Explain the need of message passing in object oriented programming with an example. What is a TCP/IP socket? Explain the use of a TCP/ IP socket through an example of a program written in java. 3. What is a constructor? Write a java program to explain the need of a constructor in problem solving. What

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XVII (Operating system Concepts and Networking Management)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-II, Paper-XVII (Operating system Concepts and Networking Management)                                                                                                                                                 2012                                                                        Time: 3 hours                                                                       Full Marks: 80                                     Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What is the purpose of a directory service in window 2000 ? How does a domain differ from a workgroup. 2. When do DCHP clients try to renew their leases? Explain File Replication service and Distributed File system. 3. How many built- in groups are there in windows-2000. Explain Virtual Networks and Remote Networking. 4. Explain different types of communication in LINUX? give some commands to carry out these communication in LINUX. 5. D

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012 , M.C.A, Part-II , Paper-XVI (Data and File Structure)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012 , M.C.A,  Part-II , Paper-XVI (Data and File Structure)                                                                              2012                                                                     Time: 3 hours                                                                     Full Marks: 80                                       Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Define an algorithm . Explain how efficiency of an algorithm depends on the resources used by the algorithm. What is the trade-off between space and time complexity? 2. Explain Singly Linked lists, doubly linked lists and circularly linked lists with an example each. What is the application of a linked list. 3. What is a stack? How stacks are implemented? Explain some applications of stocks. 4. Write a program in C to implement recursive Inorder, Preorder and postorder traversal of a binary tree. 5. Define a multiway tree of order m

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXVII (Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A, Part-III, Paper-XXVII (Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management)                                                                                 2012                                                                         Time: 3 hours                                                                         Full marks: 80                                        Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1 . (a) Compare backward reasoning and forward reasoning in AI.      (b)  Translate the following sentences given in English to equivalent Predicate/ Propositional Calculus expression:      (i) Ram, who is my neighbour, is an engineer by profession.      (ii) Everyone except John likes philips      (iii) Every human being is mortal 2. Explain briefly the limitations of an Expert system. Name two frame based expert system shells. Write down frame- based representation of CHAIR. 3. Name two built - in

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-I, (Problem Solving & programming)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-I, (Problem Solving & programming)                                                                                2012                                                                         Full Marks: 80                                                                         Time: 3 hours                                        Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. What are constants and variables in C? Explain library functions in C and mention its use in programming with examples. 2. Explain the difference between a flowchart and an algorithm with an example. Draw a flowchart to generate a series of prime numbers less than 20. 3. Explain different loop constructors in C. Differentiate between while-loop and do-while -loop with example. Discuss the use of break and continue statement. 4. Write a C program and draw a flowchart to sort the elements of an array in descending order

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XIII (Software Engineering)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-II, Paper-XIII (Software Engineering)                                                                               2012                                                                      Full Marks: 80                                                                      Time: 3 hours                                      Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. Indicate various problems related with software development. Give a comparative analysis of various types of software process models. 2. Why is it justified to use engineering approach in requirement analysis? What is the significance specifying functional requirement in SRS document? 3. " Quality is built into the software during the design phase", explain . What are the types of errors you may anticipate while designing a user interface? Explain. 4. What is Cyclomatic complexity in software development? Mentions the steps in