MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2010-2013) (Fifth Semester) Artificial Intelligence and Application Time: 4 hours Full Marks: 80 The questions are of equal value. Answer any five questions. 1. Define artificial intelligence. Explain the importance of AI and also explain the related fields of AI. 2. Explain how the alpha-beta algorithm is a better way to search game trees. These two algorithms depend on certain assumptions about how the game is played? What are they? 3. What important knowledge products are currently being marketed like other commodities? What are some new knowledge products likely to be sold within the next ten years? 4. Write a LISP program to convert centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit. 5. Exp
M.C.A MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION, (2013-2016) (Third semester) JAVA 2013-2016 Time: 4 hours Full Marks: 80 Answer any five questions. 1. What is java? Discuss the features of java? Explain why java is platform independent? Also explain advantages of platform independence. 2. Define constructor . What are the characteristics of constraints? How are copy constructor and default constructor used in java? Explain with example. 3. What is class? How to define a class and its object explain? Discuss function overloading and overriding? 4. What is a vector? How is it different from an array? 5. What are the abstract classes in java and how it is different from the inheritance? 6. What
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION Fifth semester (2003-2006) Internet and Web Designing Time: 4 hours Full marks: 80 1. Answer any two of the following short questions: a) Expand the following:- i) FTP ii) SMTP iii) HTTP iv) NNTP v) IMAP vi) HTML vii) CGI viii) DHTML ix) PERL x) ASP b) What are the difference between IMAP and POP? c) Discuss brief history of Web. d) wlhat is the purpose of FTP? 2. a) What is the purpose of an e-mail server? b) Why is e-mail client required? c) Explain how a user gets connected the internet? 3. a) Describe what is meant by static web pages? b) Is dynamic web pages one same as active web pages? c) what role do forms play in we
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