NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A./M.Sc. (Geography) Part- II, Paper-IX (Geography of Rural Settlements)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A./M.Sc. (Geography) Part- II, Paper-IX (Geography of Rural Settlements)
2011Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
Answer five questions in all , selecting at least Two questions from each group.
All questions carry equal marks.
Group: A
1. Give an account of the meaning and scope of settlement geography.
2. What do you mean by human settlement system ? Explain the causes which determine this system.
3. Analyse geographical condition which influence the development of dispersed rural settlement.
4. What is rural service centre? Describe its functions.
5. Describe the type and function of Periodic Market in india.
6. Give an account of the evolution and development of rural settlement in the chota Nagpur plateau.
7. Describe the type and pattern of rural settlements in the ganga plain.
8. Describe the type and pattern of rural settlement in the Himalayan Mountains region.
9. What do you mean by morphology or rural settlement? Give an account of different forms of rural settlements found in india.
10. Give an account of different types of rural dwellings in india.
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