NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, Master of Commerce, Part-II, Paper-XIV, (Foreign Trade policy & Procedures)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, Master of Commerce, Part-II, Paper-XIV, (Foreign Trade policy & Procedures)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, Master of Commerce, Part-II, Paper-XIV, (Foreign Trade policy & Procedures)

                                                                      Full marks: 80
                                                                      Time: 3 hours
                                         Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the modern theory or Hecksher - ohlin theory of international trade.

2. What is tariff? Describe various types of tariff.

3. write note on any two of the following:-
   (a) Exchange control
   (b) Dumping
   (c) Optimal tariff

4. Describe the composition and direction of India's foreign trade.

5. Describe various marketing assistance measures and schemes to promote export.

6. Present a description on the process of export pricing in International trade.

7. Describe the policy of foreign exchange management of the Government of India.

8. Explain the need and subject matter of marine insurance.

9. Describe the process of customs clearance in India.

10. Describe briefly the procedure of import.


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