NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, Bachelor of Education, Part-II, Paper-VII & VIII (Content Based Methodology) Teaching of English
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, Bachelor of Education, Part-II, Paper-VII & VIII (Content Based Methodology) Teaching of English
Full marks: 75
Time: 3 hours
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is the status of English language in the context of our Indian Education system? Discuss the role of the English teacher in this context giving suitable examples.
2. What is the link between learning a language and the environment ? Illustrate your answer with the help of examples.
3. What is a cognitive style? Discuss the cognitive styles important for developing communicative skills in second language learning.
4. In the context of learning language, discuss the role of integrative and instrumental motivation. Give suitable examples to illustrate your answer.
5. What is the importance of a lesson plan for an English Teacher? discuss how you will teach vocabulary with the help of game?
6. Mention different kinds of listening activities which can be used in the classroom for teaching listening skills. Describe any one of them in detail.
7. What are the various kinds of speaking activities that can be used in the class-room? Discuss.
8. Discuss the characteristics of Reading and its implications for the Reading teacher.
9. Write a note on different kinds of vocabularies and their implications for the teaching of vocabulary.
10. Mention various kinds of writing activities and describe any one of them in detail.
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