NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Economics] Part-II, Paper-XVI (Methodology of Economic Research)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Economics] Part-II, Paper-XVI (Methodology of Economic Research)
2011Full marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. What is meant by Research ? Explain the need and scope of research in economics.
2. What is meant by descriptive research ? Describe its features and functions.
3. Describe the source of data collection in the process of economic research.
4. What is case study? Discuss its methods, assumptions, merits and demerits.
5. Define schedule. what are its types? Explain the merits and demerits of schedule.
6. What do you understand by data analysis? Throw light on its process.
7. What is questionnaire? describe its different types.
8. What is meant by Random sampling ? Explain its merits and demerits.
9. What do you mean by laboratory experiment? Examine its advantages and disadvantages.
10. What is final research report? Present a general outline of the format of research report.
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