NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IX (Data Communication and Computer Networks)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IX  (Data Communication and Computer Networks) 
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IX  (Data Communication and Computer Networks)

                                                                        Time: 3 hours
                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                       Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is Networking? Why networking of devices required. Explain OSI reference model of networking.

2. Give a comparative analysis of different types of Topologies used in Networking with their advantages and disadvantages if any.

3. What is transmission mode. Explain different types of transmission mode with examples.

4. Explain different types of switching techniques with examples. Why switching is necessary?

5. Explain connection oriented and connections services. Which service is more reliable and why? Explain. Which layer of OSI model support these services.

6. What  is congestion control? Explain some congestion  control mechanism. How does the size of congestion window increase in congestion avoidance phase.

7. Differentiate between the following:
    (i) Pure ALOHA and Slotted ALOHA
    (ii) UDP and TCP
    (iv) Synchronous and Asynchronous transmission.

8. Define Error control and Flow control? Explain Go-Back-N and selective -Repeat ARQ methods of transmission.

9. What is Routing? Explain different types of routing protocols with examples.

10. Write short notes on the following:-
       (i) Transmission media
       (ii) Piggybacking
       (iii) Token Ring and Token Bus
       (iv) Multiplexing


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