NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Sociology], Part-II, Paper-XI (Popular Culture & Mass Communication)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Sociology], Part-II, Paper-XI (Popular Culture & Mass Communication)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Sociology], Part-II, Paper-XI (Popular Culture & Mass Communication)

                                                                         Full marks: 80
                                                                        Time: 3 hours
                                    Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. What do you understand by popular culture? Discuss Hogart's theory in this context.

2. Trace the relationship between popular culture and social movement.

3. Give a brief account of the evolution of Information Technology . Describe the development of Television as a means of information technology.

4. Explain
    (a) Syncretism
    (b) Mass-Media

5. What is Globalization? Describe the various dimensions of globalization.

6. Explain the concept of global culture. Analyse the interrelationship between global culture and mass media.

7. What is social Marketing? Describe its characteristics.

8. What do you understand by Mass- Media? Describe the social usage and impact of mass-media.

9. Write an essay on the social significance of pilgrimage.

10. Describe the role of folk musicians in the indian context.


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