NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A , Part-I, Paper-IV (System Analysis and Design)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A  , Part-I, Paper-IV (System Analysis and Design) 
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2012, M.C.A  , Part-I, Paper-IV (System Analysis and Design)

                                                                     Full Marks: 80
                                                                     Time: 3 hours
                                      Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.           

1. Define systems. Explain the characteristics of a system. Describe different types of system.

2. List the fundamental principles of S/W Development Life cycle in detail? Explain the attributes of a good system Analyst.

3. Construct a DFD up to 3 -levels for Library Information system. Make assumptions, wherever necessary.

4. Explain different types of Information systems with examples for each type. How the quality of Information can be maintained.

5. Explain Modularity and its goal of design. What are the feature of good design. What is the difference between coupling and cohesion.

6. Define Forms and Reports. List advantages of using them. Describe the process of designing Forms and Reports.

7. Explain the difference between Flat files and Database files. Detail the guidelines for database design.

8. Define CASE Tools . Describe different types of CASE Tools. Explain the use of CASE tools by an organization. What are the advantages of using CASE tools.

9. What is Testing? Why Testing is required? Explain different types of Testing Techniques.

10. Write a short note on any Three of the following:-
     (i) E-R diagram
     (ii) Sequence Diagram
     (iii) Risk Management
     (iv) Fact Finding technique.


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