NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [Political Science] Part- II, Paper-XVI (State politics and Research Methodology)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [Political Science] Part- II, Paper-XVI (State politics and Research Methodology)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [Political Science] Part- II, Paper-XVI (State politics and Research Methodology)

                                                                           Full Marks: 80
                                                                            Time: 3 hours
                                 Answer five questions in all, selecting atleast two questions
                                     from each  group. All questions carry equal marks.


1. Discuss the importance of State Politics in India.

2. Discuss the features of the 73rd constitutional Amendment Act.

3. Describe the salient features of state Politics in india.

4. Discuss the working of the Panchayati Raj system in Bihar.

5. Examine the nature and forms of the people's participation in development process.


6. Describe the features of the traditional Political science.

7. Define observation and describe its characteristics.

8. Define social survey and point out its objectives.

9. Describe the characteristics of Mean , Median and mode with examples.

10. Define classification of data and discuss its objectives.


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