NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.Sc. Physics, Part-II, Paper- XII, (Science and Technology of Renewable energy)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.Sc. Physics, Part-II, Paper- XII, (Science and Technology of Renewable energy)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.Sc. Physics, Part-II, Paper- XII, (Science and Technology of Renewable energy)

                                                                             Full marks: 80
                                                                              Time: 3 hours
                                          Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.  Discuss the solar radiation received at the Earth's surface . What are the major atmospheric effects limiting the performs of Photovoltaic systems. What do you understand by air mass. How is it related to standardized solar spectrum?

 2. State and explain the Diode equation for Non- ideal and Ideal Diodes. Graphically illustrate the Diode  Law and explain the importance of dark current. Explain  Depletion approximation.

3. Explain the importance of Fill Factor (FF) in a solar cell and derive its expression. Also, discuss  in details "Efficiency of a Solar Cell".

4. Explain Series and shunt resistances and their effects of " Fill Factor" (FF) in solar cells. Distinguish between characteristics and parasitic resistances.

5. Explain " Surface texturing" and " light trapping  mechanism" for a silicon solar cell. What is a Lambertian Rear Reflector? 

6. Discuss current and voltage losses due to recombination. What are the factors influencing these loses in solar cells?         

7. What is the difference between contact and finger resistance in a silicon solar cell? Give an expression for power loss due to finger resistance. 

8. Derive Betz's law and show that the maximum efficiency of the rotors can't exceed 60% . What are the factors that limit the use of Wind energy?

9. (a) What is Geothermal power? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.                                       

 (b) What are the methods employed in harnessing (i) Wave energy and (ii) Tidal energy?

10. Explain the methodologies to hydrogen energy production. What are the perspectives of hydrogen energy in the world? Give an account of the pilot programmes.



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