NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A. [Political Science], Part-II, Paper-XI (Constitutional Government in India)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A. [Political Science], Part-II,Paper-XI (Constitutional Government in India)
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss the various dimensions of the Indian Political system.
2. Discuss the ingredients of the Preamble of the constitution of India.
3. What do you mean by the Directive Principles of State Policy? Discuss their nature and significance.
4. Describe the powers and position of the president of India.
5. Describe the composition , powers and functions of the Lok Sabha.
6. What do you mean by Judicial Activism? Are you in favour of it? Discuss in the Indian Context.
7. Discuss the powers, functions and position of the Chief Minister.
8. Discuss the Legislative Relations between the Centre and states in India.
9. Examine the special constitutional status of Jammu and Kashmir.
10. Write short notes on any Two of the following:-
(i) Vice President of India
(ii) Money Bill
(iii) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(iv) Sarkaria Comission
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