NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper-XV, (Modern History of America, china and Japan)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper-XV, (Modern History of America, china and Japan)
2011Full marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
Answer five questions in all, selecting atleast Two questions each from Group 'A'
and 'B' and one question from Group 'C' . All questions carry equal marks.
Group 'A'
1. Examine the causes and effects of the American War of Independence.
2. Discuss Monroe Doctrine and examine its role in expansion of American Nationalism.
3. Explain the role of the United States of American in the Second World War.
4. Write an essay on New Economic Deal.
5. Write note on any Two of the following:-
(a) Difficulties of New American Republic
(b) Causes of the American Civil War
(c) American's War with spain
(d) Cold war and Rise and Power Blocks
Group 'B'
6. Examine the causes, nature and effects of the Boxer rebellion.
7. Delineate the efforts of chiang- kai- shek in bringing about national integration of china.
8. Write note on any Two of the following:-
(a) Treaty of Nanking
(b) Causes of the second opium war
(c) Achievements of Mao-t-se tung
Group 'C'
9. Throw light on Mei-ji restoration and modernization of Japan.
10. Examine the causes and effects of the First Sino-Japanese War.
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