NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.Sc. Mathematics, Part-II, Paper-XVI (Programming in 'C')

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.Sc. Mathematics, Part-II, Paper-XVI (Programming in 'C')

                                                                  Full Marks: 80
                                                                   Time: 3 hours
                                   Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1.(a) Explain different Data type used in C with an example for each.
   (b) What is the difference between a variable and a constant?

2. (a) Write a programme to check whether number entered from the keyboard on user's choice is prime number.
    (b) Input a number and check whether it is even or odd.

3. Explain Relational operator, conditional operator and evaluation operation with examples.

4. Describe different format specifiers and escape sequence along with their usage and examples.

5. Explain types of looping statements with examples. what is difference between while loop and do-while loop.

6. What is an array? Write a programme to input and print all the elements of 3 x 3 matrix.

7. Explain the concept of Global and local variables. Explain the difference between call by reference and call by value giving suitable examples.

8. What are the structures in C and why are they used. How are they initialized ?  Explain the purpose of type def feature with an example.

9. Explain the concept of pointers in C with suitable examples. How can function return a pointer to its calling routine.

10. Write a programme in C to find the roots of a quadratic equation.


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