NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011 , M.Sc. Chemistry , Part- II, Paper-X, (Advance Chemical Dynamics)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011 , M.Sc. Chemistry , Part- II, Paper-X, (Advance Chemical Dynamics)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011 , M.Sc. Chemistry , Part- II, Paper-X, (Advance Chemical Dynamics)

                                                                          Full Marks: 80
                                                                          Time: 3 hours
                                        Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Describe transition state theory for biomolecular reaction. Discuss the dynamic calculation of transition state expression for biomolecular reaction.

2. Discuss the effect of double layer structure of electrode reaction. Describe the factor affecting rates of electro-chemical reaction. Derive the Nernst equation for electro-chemical reaction.

3. Explain acid-base catalysis theory. Describe the salt effect on acid-base catalysis reaction.

4. What is Kinetic salt effect? Discuss the primary salt effect in the kinetic study of reaction.

5. (a) Classify and explain the catalysis reactions on the basis of Physical state of reactant and product.

    (b) Explain oscillatory reaction.

6. Explain relaxation method for the study of fast reaction with reference to a reversible reaction of first order.

7.  (a) What is overall electrode reaction? Discuss.
     (b) Describe the order of electro chemical reaction.

8. Explain photochemical kinetics of hydrogen , bromine combination reaction.

9.  (a) Describe the mechanism of electro catalysis.
     (b) Explain:- (i) Nature of electrodeposited metals;  (ii) Current density.

10. Describe the direct chemical attack and electro-chemical theory corrosion. How a metal can be protected from corrosion?


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