NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper-XVI ( Modern West)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper-XVI ( Modern West)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,2011, M.A. [History], Part-II, Paper-XVI ( Modern West)

                                                                          Full marks: 80
                                                                          Time: 3 hours
                                           Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Examine the principles, Works and effects of Vienna Congress on European countries.

2. Explain the different stages of the unification of Italy.

3. Examine the domestic and economic policies of Bismark.

4. Examine the political conditions of Europe on the eve of the first world war.

5. " 1919 Treaty of versailles was a dictated Peace treaty", examine.

6. Discuss the expansion of France in Indo- china in the 19th century.

7. Describe the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

8. Examine critically the foreign policy of Mussolini.

9. Examine the causes and effects of the second world war.

10. Write note on any Two of the following:-
       (a) The Eastern Question
       (b) Balkan Wars
       (c) Scramble of Africa
       (d) Causes of the failure of the league of Nations


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