NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[ Psychology] Part-II, Paper-XI (Systems and Theories of Personality)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[ Psychology] Part-II, Paper-XI (Systems and Theories of Personality) 
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[ Psychology] Part-II, Paper-XI (Systems and Theories of Personality)

                                                                          Full marks: 80
                                                                          Time: 3 hours
                                  Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Describe Freudian Psychoanalysis as a system of Psychology.

2. Evaluate the contributions of Gestalt psychology as a system of Psychology.

3. Describe the contributions of E.R. Guthrie as a Behaviourist.

4. Evaluate the contributions of Wundt as a systematic psychologist.

5. Describe the important contributions of Weber to experimental psychology.

6. Evaluate the important contributions of Weber to experimental psychology.

7. Describe the major contributions of Harvey A. Carr to the development of Functionalism.

8. Throw light on the differences between structuralism and Functionalism.

9. Describe the secondary characteristics of watson in Behaviourism.

10. Describe the effect of Freud's earlier psychological principles in the development of psychoanalysis.


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