NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Political Science], Part- II, Paper-IX (Public Administration)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Political Science], Part- II, Paper-IX (Public Administration) 
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2011, M.A.[Political Science], Part- II, Paper-IX (Public Administration)

                                                                      Full Marks: 80
                                                                      Time: 3 hours
                                        Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal Marks.

1. Define Public Administration and discuss its scope.

2. Discuss the classical theory of organization.

3. Discuss Taylor's theory of Scientific Management.

4. What do you mean by Department? Describe the bases of departmental organization.

5. Explain Herbert Simon's Decision Making Theory.

6. Define Morale. Discuss the factors which affect Morale.

7. Define Recruitment and describe the various methods of recruitment.

8. What is Code of Conduct? What are its provisions of India.

9. Define Budget and describe its importance.

10. What is Public Policy? Describe the process of Policy- making.


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