NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION , 2011, M.Sc. Physics, Part-II, Paper-XI (Physics of Nanomaterials)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION , 2011, M.Sc. Physics, Part-II, Paper-XI (Physics of Nanomaterials)

                                                                      Full Marks: 80
                                                                      Time: 3 hours
                                   Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the structure of carbon nanotubes. What are its properties? What is 'Buckyballs'? What are its applications?

2. Derive expressions for electrical and thermal conductivities of metal using free electron model and its modifications. Hence, establish Wiedemann- Franz Law.

3. Explain the bond formation in the hydrogen molecule.

4. Discuss the E-K diagram in semiconductor. Hence, distinguish between ' Direct Bandgap Semiconductor' and ' Indirect Bandgap Semiconductor'.

5. Discuss the motion of electrons in two dimensional potential well and detain expression for its density of states.

6. Describe the Hartree- fock approximation of the coulomb interaction between 3D confined electrons. Mention the application of Hund's rules in quantum dots.

7. What is a quantum wire? Describe the various methods for its fabrication.

8. What are different characterization tools for nanomaterials? How will you determine the particle size with the help of XRD ? Explain the increase in width of XRD peaks of nanoparticles.

9. Describe, step by step, the citrate Precursor Technique for preparation of nanoparticles.

10. Write short on any Two of the following:-
      (a) Plasma Arcing
      (b) Recent developments in application of nanotechnology
      (c) Biology nanoparticles
      (d) superlattice


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