NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,BCA,2017, Part-III, Paper-XXII (Intranet Administration)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,BCA,2017, Part-III, Paper-XXII (Intranet Administration)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION,BCA,2017, Part-III, Paper-XXII (Intranet Administration)

                                                                             Time: 3 hours
                                                                            Full Marks: 80
                                           Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define WAP (Wireless Application Protocol). Explain the layered architecture of WAP.

2. What is meant by Distributed Database? Explain its main features. What are the parameters for selecting a server computer(s) in a large scale organisation?

3. Write any five application of Groupware. What is SSL (secure socket layer)? How does it provide data security ? Explain with an example.

4. Explain the features and importance of window NT LAN Manager(NTLM). Differentiate between Private Key and Public key infrastructure.

5. Write the steps for creating a Domain in Window server. Discuss the features of Intranet Authoring Tools.

6. Write the range of IP address classes. Also, mention the total possible networks in each class. Write the advantages and disadvantages of using VPN (Virtual Private Network).

7. Explain ARP and UDP."One solution for the protection of the computing infrastructures is to use digital certificate based solutions". Give Pros and Cons of implementing the statement.

8. How do organization ensure security in an Intranet? Explain the five security models used for chalking out the security plan and policy.

9. Explain the need of application service protocols in an intranet. Describe any two application service protocols of OSI model.

10. Write short notes on the following:
     (a) IMAP
     (b) ARP
     (d) JDBC


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