NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-V (New) (Systems Analysis and Design)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-V (New) (Systems Analysis and Design)
2017Time: 3 hours
Full Marks: 80
Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Draw a Data Flow Diagram(DFD) from context level till second level clearly showing various process, data flow and data repositories for a " Railway Reservation system".
2. Define 'Modularity' . Write any two goals of a good design. Also write at least four guidelines for achieving the goals mentioned. Define the term 'cohesion'. Explain any two types of cohesion.
3. Explain how both waterfall model and prototyping model can be accommodated in the spiral model.
4. Explain relational, hierarchical and network models of database design, with examples.
5. Describe the characteristics of a good interface. List some guidelines to design output screens, icons and graphics.
6. Prepare an outline of SRS for a "Library Information System". Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
7. What is a Form? What are the advantages of having forms as part of user interface? What are the criteria used for Form Design?
8. Explain any two ways of Requirements Gatherings. What are their shortcomings? Use examples to explain.
9. Define the term " Decisions Support system". Explain its various components . How does Reverse Engineering differ from Forward Engineering? explain with example.
10. Write short notes on any Two of the following:-
(a) Fact finding technique
(b) Feasibility study
(c) Role of an Analyst
(b) Software testing
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