NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, BCA, 2017, Part-III. Paper-XVII (Introduction To Software Engineering)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, BCA, 2017, Part-III. Paper-XVII (Introduction To Software Engineering)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, BCA, 2017, Part-III. Paper-XVII (Introduction To Software Engineering)

                                                                           Time: 3 hours
                                                                           Full Marks: 80
                                          Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define the term ' software engineering'. Explain all the phases of waterfall model briefly.

2. What is the need of testing? Explain benchmark testing in detail. What is Object Oriented Design?
    Explain the advantages of using object oriented design.

3. Explain the role of a system Analyst in software development. Also, explain the key attribute of a system analyst. Define the term 'software quality'. Explain any two software quality attributes briefly.

4. What are CASE tools? Explain different categories of CASE tools. What is meant by Risk Management? Explain any two risks related to software development.

5. What is the need for project scheduling? Explain any one project scheduling technique. Differentiate between coupling and cohesion. Explain two types of coupling.

6. Explain the following with respect to software engineering:
    (a) GUI
    (b) Prototyping
    (c) Project Standards
    (d) Software Development Team
    (e) Software Verification

7. What do you mean by Function Point Analysis? Mention its features. Describe COCOMO model briefly.

8. Write short notes on:
    (a) Software crisis
    (b) Software maintenance
    (c) Software quality

9. Define DFD? What are the rules for drawing the DFD? Draw for Railway Reservation System.

10. Explain various software metrics and give example for each type.


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