NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-III, Paper-XXIX (Application Development with .Net Framework)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-III, Paper-XXIX (Application Development with .Net Framework)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-III, Paper-XXIX (Application Development with .Net Framework)

                                                                    Time: 3 hours
                                                                   Full Marks: 80
                                            Answer any five questions. All questions carry marks.

1. What is Garbage collector? Discuss the various phases of garbage collection.

2. Explain .NET servers. Discuss the role performed by the .NET server.

3. Explain the process of working with form controls. What is exception handling?

4. Differentiate between private and shared assemblies. Explain the working of CLR.

5. What is namespace? Explain different types of namespaces.

6. Explain the ASP. NET folder structure? List the types of file extensions that are handled by ASP.NET.

7. Discuss the concept of JavaScript. Write a program defining array and using join( ) method.

8. How do you enable and disable viewstate? Explain the role cookies.

9. Explain the significance of ADO.NET data providers. What are the various classes of ADO.NET?

10. Differentiate between clone and copy methods of dataset. Describe the methods provided by a command object.


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