NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-VIII (new) (Data and File structures)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-VIII (new) (Data and File structures) 
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-VIII (new) (Data and File structures)

                                                                        Time: 3 hours
                                                                       Full Marks: 80
                                          Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss different types of asymptotic notation. What is the purpose of asymptotic notation?

2. What are linked lists? Discuss different types of linked lists with examples of each type.

3. What are priority queues? Explain priority queue implementation with an example.

4. What is queue? Write an algorithm to insert and delete a node in the queue.

5. What is a stack? Write a program in C to implement insertion and deletion from the stack.

6. Discuss different types of search methods with an example of each type.

7. Compare and contrast between merge sort and quicksort algorithms with example of each type.

8. Write a procedure to sort the following sequence using heap sort:-

9. Explain the following terms:-
    (i) Tail recursion
    (ii) Garbage collection
    (iii) Huffman algorithm

10. What is hashing function? Discuss some of the hashing functions.


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