NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, 2017, MCA, Part-I , Paper-XII (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

                                                                     Time: 3 hours
                                                                      Full Marks: 80
                                       Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Draw a state diagram for the submission of an examination form. Following are some of the considerations:-
    (i) All the assignments pertaining to the semester needs to be submitted on the due data.
    (ii) Demand draft for all the courses to be approved need to be taken (@ Rs. 60/- per course).
    (iii) Examination form need to be filled up.
    (iv) It should be verified by the verifying officer.
    (v) The attested form should be submitted to the Regional center concerned.

2. Draw a component diagram for an ATM. with the help of illustration for each, explain the following with respect to decomposition:-
   (i) Process-Oriented decomposition.
   (ii) Object-Oriented decomposition.

3. What is design optimization? Describe the factors that contributes to the " Design Optimization".

4. Draw a D.F.D for " Library Management system of NOU". Assumptions can be made wherever necessary. Draw the DFD's till level-2.

5. Discuss the following with reference to unidirectional Implementation in a class diagram:-
   (i) Optional Association.
   (ii) Associations with multiplicity

6. Draw an object model for the payment process involved in a sales order system. conventional notation for diagram should be followed.

7. What is collaboration diagram? Draw a collaboration diagram for the Inventory control system.

8. Discuss the following in detail with examples:-
    (i) Deployment diagram
    (ii) Composite States

9. Explain how the integrity constraints are applied in the object oriented model.

10. Write short notes on any Two of the following:-
       (i) Advantages and Disadvantages of GOAD
       (ii) Metaclass and metadata
       (iii) Mapping Generalizations to tables.


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