NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, BCA, 2017, Part-I, Paper-IV (PC Software Skills)

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, BCA, 2017, Part-I, Paper-IV (PC Software Skills)
NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, BCA, 2017, Part-I, Paper-IV (PC Software Skills)

                                                                          Time: 3 hours
                                                                          Full Marks: 80
                                         Answer any five questions. Answer all the questions.

1. Three married couples are to cross a river in a boat which can hold only two persons. One of the persons must row the boat. Each of the three husbands is a jealous man who will not allow his wife to be left in the company of other men, unless he is also present. Show how the jealous husbands and their wives can accomplish the trip by representing all the states on the left and the right banks of the river.

2. What is a Pivot table? What are the uses of Pivot tables? Discuss with the help of an example.

3. Explain the following terms:
    (i) Auto-format
    (ii) Autofill
    (iii) WYSIWYG
    (iv) Format Painter
    (v) Workbook

4. Define a browser. Explain any two differences between the two basic categories of browsers.

5. Explain the following:
   (i) TELNET
   (ii) ISP
   (iii) FTP

6. What are Macros in Excel? Write the steps to create and run a Macro.

7. Explain the use of the following functions with an example for each:
    (i) RAND ( )
    (ii) SUMIF ( )

8. What is Chart Wizard in Ms-Excel and what are its advantages ? List the steps involved in creating a chart through Chart wizard.

9. Write short notes on the following:
    (a) SMTP
    (b) POP
    (c) E-mail
    (d) Scenario Manager
    (e) Auto-filters

10. Describe scenario in MS-Excel ? Write the advantages of using MS-Excel.


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