NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY QUESTION, MCA, 2017, Part-I, Paper-VII (New) (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

NALANDA OPEN  UNIVERSITY QUESTION, MCA, 2017, Part-I, Paper-VII (New) (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)
NALANDA OPEN  UNIVERSITY QUESTION, MCA, 2017, Part-I, Paper-VII (New) (Object Oriented Analysis and Design)

                                                                         Time: 3 hours
                                                                        Full marks: 80
                                           Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the object oriented system Development life in detail.

2.  With appropriate examples and diagrams for each, explain the following Modelling techniques.
     (i) Object Modelling
     (ii) Dynamic Modelling

3. Explain the UML diagram classification with an examples. Discuss rational unified process.

4. What is package diagram? Discuss the utility of package diagram with an example.

5. Draw a DFD for the student admission/ registration process for a new programme at NOU. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary. Draw the DFD's  till level-2.

6. Explain class diagram using an appropriate example. How objects are related to class? Explain.

7. Discuss use case diagram and sequence diagram with an example of each.

8. List and describe the elements of a State diagram. give an example of state diagram.

9. Describe include and extend relationship between use cases. Give an example to explain the concept.

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:-
       (a) Domain model refinement
       (b) Inheritance
       (c) Conceptual Data modelling
       (d) System sequence diagram.


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