MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Labour Legislation & Social Security)

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Labour Legislation & Social Security)
MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Labour Legislation & Social Security)

                                                                           Time: 4 hours
                                                                           Full marks: 80
                                                               Answer any five questions

1. Briefly discuss the objective and scope of labour welfare in india.

2. What are voluntary welfare measures? Howdoes it help to boost the morale of an industrial labour?

3. Critically examine the problems of agricultural labours in india . Point out the measures adopted by the government to overcome such problems.

4. What are the various benefits to which an employee is entitled under employees state insurance act, 1948?

5. Explain the term "mine". critically examine the main provisions of mines act, 1952.

6. What is the cause of interstate migration of labours? Highlights the welfare measures to uplift the conditions of such migrant labours.

7. Discuss the salient features of contract labour (regulation and abolition ), Act 1970.

8. What is workers education scheme? Discuss its objectives and various training  programmes offered under it.

9. What do you understand by social security? Discuss its important and scope in the industrial organization.

10. Write short notes on any two of the following:
      (a) Child labour
      (b) Classification of labour welfare
      (c) Welfare measure of factories act, 1948
      (d) Social security institutions in india.


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