MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2013-2016) (Fourth Semester) Visual Programming With Visual Basic

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2013-2016) (Fourth Semester) Visual Programming With Visual Basic
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2013-2016) (Fourth Semester) Visual Programming With Visual Basic

                                                                      Time: 4 hours
                                                                     Full marks: 80
                                            Candidates are required to give their answers in
                                                     their own words as far as practicable.
                                                         The questions are of equal value.
                                                             Answer any five questions.

1. What is Visual basis programming? Describe most important features of a visual basic programming language.

2. Explain the characteristics of various data types used in casual Basic? How can you declare and initialize variables? Differentiate between 'Dun' and 'Static' Keywords.

3. Describe about the various looping structure used in visual basic? Write about the difference between do-while and do-looping structure.

4. What is a form in UB 6.0 ? Discuss the following form method-show, hide, load, unload,initialize, activate and Deactive.  How can you add a form in your project?

5. Describe about the difference between list box control and combo box control? Explain about the different types of combo box control.

6. What is the use of using Active X Data control? What are the difference between ADO, RDO and DAO?

7. Describe about different controls and their methods? How animation can be achieved in Visual Basic.

8. Differentiate between any two of the following:
   (i) Free View and List View Control
   (ii) Text Box and Rich Text Box Control
   (iii) MDI and SDI application

9. What is recursion? Implement Binary search algorithm recursively.

10. Write short notes on any three of the followings:
       (i) Polymorphism concept in U.B.
       (ii) OLE
       (iii) Procedures
       (iv) Arrays


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