MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) (Fourth Semester) Visual Programming With Visual Basic

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) (Fourth Semester) Visual Programming With Visual Basic
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2015-2018) (Fourth Semester) Visual Programming With Visual Basic

                                                                       Time: 4 hours
                                                                       Full marks: 80
                                                             Answer any five questions.

1. (a) Explain the feature of Visual Basic language with advantages.
    (b) What do you mean by Visual Development and Event driven programming.

2. (a) Discuss tokens and data types of VB language in details.
    (b) Explain VB Arrays types and discuss the control arrays.

3. (a) Explain the feature of Master form and its properties.
    (b) Discuss the process of building dynamics forms with various mouse events and operations.

4. (a) Explain the Message Box statement and Message Box function in details.
    (b) What is procedure to create a new DYNASET.

5. (a) What is Property? Explain the methods used for creating and defining the properties? Demonstrate with examples.
    (b) Explain different mode of file operation.

6. What are the various properties of Data Control and Data-Bound Control?

7.(a) Write a VB function procedure that accepts price of products/ services and determine the GST and allow discount on tax on cashless transaction. The conditions are:
    Price < Rs 1000 No GST and cashless discount 5% flat.
    1001 < price > 10000 GST 12% and cashless discount 2 %  on tax.
     Price > 10001 and above GST 18% and 2% extra online charges.
   (b) Write a VB function for sorting for date, month, and year in descending order.

8. List the Advanced Active X control and briefly discuss Imagelist and msflexgird control.

9. Discuss the features of parent and child MDI forms with accessing child forms.

10. Write short notes on:
     (a) Checkbox and Radiobutton control
     (b) List and combobox control.


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