
Showing posts from October, 2019

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) Marketing ( Domestic export marketing)

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) Marketing ( Domestic export marketing)                                                                           Time: 4 hours                                                                          Full marks: 80                                                                Answer any five questions. 1. What do you understand by salesmanship? Explain its nature. 2. Distinguish between marketing management ...

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Man power planning & development)

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Man power planning & development)                                                                           Time: 4 hours                                                                          Full marks: 80                                                              Answer any five questions. 1. Discuss the role and function of Human Resource development (HRD) in detail. 2. Define macro level Human Resourc...

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) Marketing (Marketing Research Advertising)

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) Marketing (Marketing Research Advertising)                                                                           Time: 4 hours                                                                          Full Marks: 80                                                                   Answer any five questions. 1. Define marketing research agencies. Explain its merits and demerits. 2. Defining marke...

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Labour Legislation & Social Security)

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Labour Legislation & Social Security)                                                                            Time: 4 hours                                                                            Full marks: 80                                                                Answer any five questions 1. Briefly discuss the objective and scope of labour welfare in india. 2. What are voluntary...

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM ( Industrial Relation System)

MBA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2019) HRM (Industrial Relation System)                                                                                                                           Time: 4 hours                                                                       Full Marks: 80                                                           Answer any fi...

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Object-Oriented Programming and Java

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Object-Oriented Programming and Java                                                                             Time: 4 hours                                                                            Full Marks: 80                                                              Answer any five questions                           ...

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Environmental Management

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Environmental Management                                                                            Time: 4 hours                                                                         Full Marks: 80                                                               Answer any five questions. 1. Define pollution. Give an account of environmental pollutants and also mention which types of pollution are most c...

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Computer Communication Networks

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Computer Communication Networks                                                                            Time: 4 hours                                                                           Full Marks: 80                                                                 Answer any five questions. 1. Explain the various layers present in OSI model and their functionality. 2. What do you mea...

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Database Management System

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2017-2020) (Third semester) Database Management System                                                                          Time: 4 hours                                                                          Full Marks: 80                                                                 Answer any five questions. 1. What is Database Management System? What are the characteristics of database management system? 2. What ...