MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION Fifth semester (2003-2006) Internet and Web Designing

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION Fifth semester (2003-2006) Internet and Web Designing
MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION Fifth semester (2003-2006) Internet and Web Designing

                                                                         Time: 4 hours
                                                                         Full marks: 80
1. Answer any two of the following short questions:
     a) Expand the following:-
     i)  FTP
     ii) SMTP
     iii) HTTP
     iv) NNTP
      v) IMAP
     vi) HTML
     vii) CGI
      viii) DHTML
      ix) PERL
      x) ASP
    b) What are the difference between IMAP  and POP?
    c) Discuss brief history of Web.
    d) wlhat is the purpose of FTP?

2. a) What is the purpose of an e-mail server?
    b) Why is e-mail client required?
    c) Explain how a user gets connected the internet?

3. a) Describe what is meant by static web pages?
    b) Is dynamic web pages one same as active web pages?
    c) what role do forms play in web pages?

4. a) What are cookies?
    b) discuss advantages and disadvantages of CGI.
    c) Describe the method for placing images and sound on the web page.

5. a) How local web server using IIS by PWS on windows?
    b) How do you will host web site on UNIX platform? Discuss concept of web fader.
    c) What are the advantages of the hit counters on web page?

6. a) Discuss three very important web applications.
    b) Discuss how internet connections is established using dial-up connection (loosed line). What is
       the Hardware and software required for this connection? Draw diagram.


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