
                                                                       Full Marks: 80

                                                                        Time: 4 hours

                                                         The question are of equal marks.

                                                            Answer any five questions.

1. Examine the power of the board of directors in respect of transfer of shares.

2. Give the definition of socialism. Discuss its merits and demerits.

3. Explain the rational of government role in business. What are the different forms of government role in business.

4. Discuss the problems and prospects of private sector in india.

5. Explain the main features of new industrial policy of india.

6. Write an essay on the need of foreign financial assistance.

7. Discuss the new industrial licensing policy in india.

8. Examine the major challenges of joint sector in india.

9. Discuss the various forms of organisation.

10. (a) Pricing policies

      (b) Distinguish between direct foreign investment and portfolio investment.

      (c) Mixed Economy 

      (d) Social Responsibility of business.


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