NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY , Master of Computer Application(MCA)

  NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY , Master of Computer Application(MCA)

                                                                (System Analysis and Design)
                                                                  Annual Examination, 2018
                                                                           Time: 3 hours
                                                                           Full marks:80
                                                               Answer any Five questions.
                                                           All questions carry equal marks.

1. Draw Data Flow Diagram and develop SRS for school management system.

2. What are the objectives of preliminary investigation? List and explain the methods to gather the data during the preliminary investigation.

3. Explain various criteria and specifications to be considered while designing forms and Reports. Give an example of a structure chart and explain it.

4. Explain the necessary consideration and conditions in selecting the data storage media for a S/W project.

5. Explain the Indexed-file organization method. List the advantages and disadvantages in comparison with the sequential and random methods.

6. Explain the following categories of project documentation:-
    (i) Operations Documentation
    (ii) User Documentation

7. What are the security issues in a computer system? How does an organization prevent its database from security concerns? Illustrate with an example.

8. Explain the Information support and nature 8 of management for the following systems:-
    (i) Office Automation systems
    (ii) Transaction processing systems

9. Why is maintenance required in software? Explain various issues involved in software maintenance, with appropriate examples.

10. Write short notes on the following:-
     (i) Feasibility study
     (ii) Testing
     (iii) Fact finding Techniques
     (iv) Decision Trees.


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