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NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY , Master of Computer Application(MCA)

  NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY , Master of Computer Application(MCA)                                                                                   Part-I                                                                              Paper-IV(old)                                                                 (System Analysis and Design)                                                                   Annual Examination, 2018                                                                            Time: 3 hours                                                                            Full marks:80                                                                Answer any Five questions.                                                            All questions carry equal marks. 1. Draw Data Flow Diagram and develop SRS for school management system. 2. What are the objectives of preliminary investigation? List and explain the methods to gather the data during the preliminar


NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY , MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (MCA) 2018                                                                 Time:3 hours                                                                Full Marks:80                                                                       Part-I                                                                     Paper-I (old)                                                     Annual Examination, 2018                                                     Answer any Five questions.                                                  All questions carry equal marks. 1. What is an algorithm? Write an algorithm to generate a series of odd numbers. Discuss the efficiency of the algorithm. 2. Explain with examples different types of relational operators used in "C"? 3. List and explain various control constructs in"C" language with an example for each type. 4. What is a storage class in "C"? Explai

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY, Master of computer Application(MCA), Part-I , Paper-I

NALANDA OPEN UNIVERSITY, Master of computer Application(MCA) , Part-I , Paper-I                                                              (Problem solving using  C)                                                               Annual Examination, 2018                                                                     Time:- 3 hours                                                                     Full Marks: 80                                                            Answer any five questions.                                                         All questions carry equal marks. 1. Discuss the features of an algorithm. When an algorithm is said to be efficient? Write an algorithm for generating the series of even natural numbers. 2. What is a flow chart? Discuss the symbols used in drawing a flow chart. Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers. 3. Describe the basic syntax rules for C program? What are tokens in C languages? 4. Differentiate betwe