
Showing posts from August, 2019


MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2007-2010) ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR                                                                        Time: 4 hours 1. "Organisational Behaviour represents an inter-discipline study of the inter-action between the individuals and group of an organization." Discuss this statement highlighting the nature and conceptual framework of organization behaviour in brief. 2. How is an attitude formed and measured? Explain , with examples, how the job-related attitudes are significant for understanding the organisational behaviour. 3. Distinguish between the profiles of the managers and the entrepreneurs. Why do some qualified personae prefer to work independently as entrepreneurs and not as subordinates in the capacity of managers in well established offices? 4. Explain the concept of a team and discuss the nature and functions of the various types of teams which exist in the framework of an organization . How are the teams more effect

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2006-2009) Internet and Web Designing

MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2006-2009) Internet and Web Designing                                                                            2006-2009                                                                     1. Write down the history and functioning of the internet. 2. What do you mean by messaging? Also explain the main protocols used in messaging. 3. What do you mean by search engine? Also explain how it works. 4. Write down the various protocols that governs the internet in details. 5. Explain how different internet connectivity works. Also write about ISP. 6. What do you mean by IRC? Also explain about any one messenger. 7. Explain the following:     a) FTP                           b) Telnet 8. What do you mean by web browser? Explain functioning of any one web browser. 9. Differentiate between HTML and DHTML with example. 10. Write a web page in HTML, that a contains your full resume & you have to use form tag to submit it. 11. Wha


MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2004 - 2007) (Fifth Semester) BUSINESS FINANCE                                                                         2004 - 2007                                                                       Time: 4 hours 1. Explain the role and function of 'money and capital markets'? 2. Discuss the recent trends of primary capital market of india. 3. Describe the organization and functions of secondary market? 4. Narrate the operational and managerial problems commercial banks. 5. State main consideration which are taken into account in framing lending policy by bank. 6. What are problems which arise in arbitration and off-floor trading of a financial institution? 7. Illustrate the role of U.T.I and L.I.C as financial institutions. 8. Distinguish between:     a) commercial bank and Merchant bank     b) Banking and Non- banking financial institution. 9. Explain the working of Credit Rating information and services of india Lt


MCA MAGADH UNIVERSITY QUESTION (2003-2006) (Fifth semester) BUSINESS FINANCE                                                                             2003-2006                                                                          Time: 4 hours                                                                          Full Marks: 80 1. Distinguish between money and capital market. what are the functions of capital market? 2. Discuss the features and functions of Indian money market. 3. Who are merchant bankers? What role do they play modern financial system? 4. Discuss the functions and significance of securities. Exchange board of india (SEBI). 5. Explain the significance of discount houses in modern times. 6. Discuss the composition and functions of industrial bank of india (IBI). 7. Discuss the main functions of the reserve bank of india (RBI). 8. Write notes on any two of the followings:-     a) Indigenous bankers     b) Mutual Funds     c) Bank Rate